
Viewing 81 - 87 out of 87 posts


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Red onions found to fight cancer more powerfully than yellow or white onions

Red onions found to fight cancer more powerfully than yellow or white onionsRed onions were more effective than yellow or white onions in killing cancer cells, according to a study Read More

Proven Health Benefits of Blueberries

Proven Health Benefits of BlueberriesAs one of the most popular food product in the country, you’ve undoubtedly come across or even eaten blueberries. These not-quite-tart, not-quite-sweet fruits have been used Read More

Vitamin C found to halt blood cancer when administered in high doses

Early-stage trials have shown that high doses of vitamin C can help to fight blood cancer. While the cancer-fighting ability of this vitamin has long been known, the study shed Read More

Top 5 ways Pink Himalayan Salt is the best

Whether you’re a long-time health aficionado or someone who’s just begun their fitness journey, pink Himalayan salt is a must-have for your kitchen. Also known as Himalayan crystal salt, this Read More

Top 10 magnesium-rich foods and their health benefits

Magnesium-rich foods are needed to ensure that cellular activities and that biochemical bodily functions are optimized. Knowing this, how do you keep ample amounts of magnesium inside your body? By Read More

Plasma fuel breakthrough means unlimited fusion energy is now closer than ever

Nuclear fusion has long been eyed as a potential source for limitless clean energy, yet the complexity behind its process made it unfeasible for some time. However, this may all Read More

Mainstream Media claims Chips are better than Avocado's

Mainstream Media claims Chips are better than Avocado'sIf there’s one nutrient that we need to consume on a daily basis, it’s protein. Not only does protein help us maintain and Read More

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