Above, Down, Inside, Out Philosophy

Written By Dr. Michael Polson

If you’re looking for a natural approach to health and wellness, the Above Down Inside Out philosophy may be worth exploring. This approach emphasizes the importance of the nervous system in regulating the body’s functions and encourages individuals to take a proactive role in their own health by making lifestyle changes and seeking chiropractic care. Learn more about this holistic approach and how it can benefit your overall well-being 

The Above Down Inside Out approach is a holistic philosophy that focuses on the body’s innate ability to heal itself. It emphasizes the importance of the nervous system in regulating the body’s functions and encourages individuals to take a proactive role in their own health by making lifestyle changes and seeking chiropractic care. This approach recognizes that the body is a complex system and that true health and wellness come from addressing the root causes of health problems rather than just treating symptoms. 

The Above Down Inside Out approach differs from traditional medicine in several ways. Traditional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of health problems. It also tends to rely heavily on medication and surgery, whereas the Above Down Inside Out approach emphasizes natural healing methods and lifestyle changes. Additionally, traditional medicine may not always take into account the interconnectedness of the body’s systems, whereas the Above Down Inside Out approach recognizes that the body is a complex system and that all aspects of health are interconnected. 

The nervous system plays a crucial role in the Above Down Inside Out approach to health and wellness. This approach recognizes that the nervous system is the master control system of the body and that it regulates all other systems and functions. By ensuring that the nervous system is functioning optimally, the body is better able to heal itself and maintain overall health and wellness. Chiropractic care, which focuses on aligning the spine and improving nervous system function, is one example of a natural healing method that is often used in the Above Down Inside Out approach. 

If you are interested in the Above Down Inside Out approach to health and wellness, it is important to find a healthcare provider who shares your values and beliefs. Look for a chiropractor who takes a holistic approach to care and emphasizes the importance of nutrition and exercise in supporting overall health. You may also want to consider working with a functional medicine practitioner, who can help you identify underlying imbalances in your body and develop a personalized plan for improving your health. Remember, the key to success with the Above Down Inside Out approach is to take an active role in your own health and wellness and to work with a healthcare provider who supports and empowers you along the way. 

A.D.I.O-we chiropractors call it A.D.I.O.  Above Down Inside Out.  There is a connection between the brain to every body part.  Brain to the liver, brain to heart, brain to the stomach, brain to all your tendons, all your joints, muscles, ligaments, and discs.  There is a body part connection.  A.D.I.O-Above, Down, Inside, Out. That is how we heal, the brain is connected to the body parts. We have afferent and efferent, there is a connection from the brain to the body part and then a send backtrack from the body part back to the brain.  The stomach is constantly telling the brain what is going on, what the acid level is, and what food is there.  The brain processes the information, the innate brain, not in your conscious awareness, and it sends back instructions on how to properly take care of that food.  Same thing with the liver, what the PH level is, what the enzyme levels are.  So there is a system going about the brain to a body part and the body part back to the brain.  We can demonstrate that with a safety pin, brain to the body part.  What happens with the subluxation is that there is a disconnect and there is an irritation on the nerve and the nerve itself is not transmitting the proper information.  This improper information is what leads to sickness, disease, pain, and not regulation properly.  That message can be interrupted either coming from the brain or coming from the body part.  There has to be a complete cycle, which we call the safety pin cycle.  Subluxation is when we have interference that is not allowing a clear and complete connection from the brain to the body part or from the body part back to the brain, just like static on a radio.  

Save your seat! If you want to learn more about this subject we offer free health session 3x a week. Feel free to call us at 407-295-1077 .


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