"Vitamin P Flavanols as vitamins"

"Various chemicals and clinical observations have led to the assumptions that ascorbic acid is accompanied in the cell by a substance of similar importance and related activity. In absence of both substances the symptoms of lack of ascorbic acid (scurvy) prevail and conceal symptoms of the deficiency of the second substance..." We have found that in certain pathological conditons characterized by an increased permeability or fragility of the capillary wall, ascorbic acid is ineffective, while the condition can readily be cured by the adminitration of Hungarian red pepper ( vitapric) OR LEMON JUICE..." Spontaneous bleeding ceased, the capillary walls lost their fragility towards pressure differences and no more plasma protein left the vascular system on increase venous pressure... we propose to give the name Vitamin P to the substance responsible for the action on vascular permeability.

Dr. A. Szent-Gyorgyi on "Oxidation" Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1939

I am talking in such detail anout this substance (ascorbic acid) because of a small accident that happened to us at that time. I had a letter from an Austrian collegue who was suffering from a severe hemorragic diathesis (vascular type). He wanted to try ascorbic acid in his condition. Possessing at the time no sufficient quantities of crystalline ascorbic acid. I sent him a preparation of paprika that contained much ascorbic acid and the man was cured by it. Later with the friend, St., Rusznyak, we tried to produce the same therapeutical effect in similar condition with pure ascorbic acid but we obtained no response. It was evident that the action of paprika was due to some other substance present in this plant.

Referrence taken from a seminar held by Standard Process 10/17/2022 presented by Dr. Kim Besuden

"Vitamin P Flavanols as vitamins"

"Various chemicals and clinical observations have led to the assumptions that ascorbic acid is accompanied in the cell by a substance of similar importance and related activity. In absence of both substances the symptoms of lack of ascorbic acid (scurvy) prevail and conceal symptoms of the deficiency of the second substance..." We have found that in certain pathological conditons characterized by an increased permeability or fragility of the capillary wall, ascorbic acid is ineffective, while the condition can readily be cured by the adminitration of Hungarian red pepper ( vitapric) OR LEMON JUICE..." Spontaneous bleeding ceased, the capillary walls lost their fragility towards pressure differences and no more plasma protein left the vascular system on increase venous pressure... we propose to give the name Vitamin P to the substance responsible for the action on vascular permeability.

Dr. A. Szent-Gyorgyi on "Oxidation" Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1939

I am talking in such detail anout this substance (ascorbic acid) because of a small accident that happened to us at that time. I had a letter from an Austrian collegue who was suffering from a severe hemorragic diathesis (vascular type). He wanted to try ascorbic acid in his condition. Possessing at the time no sufficient quantities of crystalline ascorbic acid. I sent him a preparation of paprika that contained much ascorbic acid and the man was cured by it. Later with the friend, St., Rusznyak, we tried to produce the same therapeutical effect in similar condition with pure ascorbic acid but we obtained no response. It was evident that the action of paprika was due to some other substance present in this plant.

Referrence taken from a seminar held by Standard Process 10/17/2022 presented by Dr. Kim Besuden


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